by Dominic Carter | Jun 5, 2015 | Blog, Foster Care
Dominic & Marilyn Carter on the ends of the photo at Canada Foster Care Conference My Wife Marilyn Carter is super private, but this weekend, the folks at the Toronto area Foster Parent Conference wanted to ask her some questions about Dominic’s tough Bronx New...
by Dominic Carter | May 15, 2015 | Blog, Mentoring, News Anchor Dominic Carter…/famous-suny-college-at-co…/referenceThank You SUNY Cortland for making Dominic Carter one of your most famous Graduates Ever. It’s quite humbling to be the first one from your family to ever attend college, on full financial...
by Dominic Carter | Apr 4, 2015 | Blog, Foster Care, Mentoring, News Anchor Dominic Carter, Uncategorized
Just a week ago, I was the keynote speaker for the Maryland-NASW annual conference, and it was wonderful to be in the presence of people that save lives each and every day. Social Workers as I have said previously, are “Angels on Earth.” Social Workers...
by Dominic Carter | Apr 2, 2015 | Foster Care, Mentoring, News Anchor Dominic Carter
This blog post is relevant now more than ever. Originally titled, “We should All Hug a Social Worker, it was done two and a half years ago when I addressed Social Workers in the Great State of Mississippi. I’m very proud that it has 1,100 likes on Facebook, and was...
by Dominic Carter | Nov 11, 2014 | Foster Care, Mentoring, News Anchor Dominic Carter
Dominic Carter had a wonderful time Sunday as the Men’s Day Speaker at Brooks Memorial United Methodist Church in Jamaica Queens. Rev. John T. Simmons, Jr. is the Pastor. It was a capacity crowd with about 1,000 people at the service.A Church where Everybody is...