The “N” Word Controversy

The “N” Word Controversy: It’s also Wrong when African Americans use the word Full disclosure. The “N” word controversy is an issue that has deeply bothered me to the core for a very long time. When I ride the New York City train system,...

Enough Already…Enough Snow

All of us respect Mother Nature, but to live in a Northern State, and naturally, it begs the question of how many times are we going to be hit?How dare we complain!!!Yes, this is not Alaska, and yes, we haven’t been buried completely in snow as much as Boston, but No...

I Am the Worst Mom Friend

In a quote by a very famous philosopher, better known as Jay-Z, he claims, “30 Is The New 20.” Well, I guess that’s why he’s a rapper and not a philosopher because, no, 30 (as much as we want it to be) is not the new 20.I am 26. I am in that...