Trump Flip Flops on Immigration

  [embedyt][/embedyt] The end result of Trump’s Flip Flop?  (Changing direction on mass deportations) Best case scenario, even if he doesn’t lose some of his core support, (and he will) Trump in all likelihood, will not...

Hillary’s Emails, Drip…Drip…Drip…

Donald Trump is softening his trademark tough immigration position and that infamous wall (to be paid for by Mexico) but Hillary Clinton’s troubles do not appear to be far behind. Hillary’s emails, Drip…..drip….drip.  (Our discussion from TV last night on this matter)...

Daddy’s Little Girl

Daddy’s little girl is all grown up, and now, also a TV Reporter, just like her father. In my NYC borough that I grew up in, the Bronx, Courtney Carter is an on-air reporter at News 12 The Bronx. This is a blog I recently wrote on this.  Please like...

Is Obamacare on Life Support

When news recently broke of Aetna Health Insurance Company pulling out of most Obamacare exchanges, that move put the perceived ills of Obamacare, which everyone already knew of anyway, on full public display. Millions more of Americans have insurance, a sizable...