by Dominic Carter | Jun 29, 2012 | News, News Anchor Dominic Carter, Politics
Real Politics 2012: New York’s Senate & House Primaries-The Day After. Here’s how we covered all the New York Contests on RNN-TV. Some of our lighter topics–the Little League pitcher being sued for wild pitch. Just click here.
by Dominic Carter | Jun 27, 2012 | News, News Anchor Dominic Carter, Politics
Is Justice Really Blind? Conservative Supreme Court Members Get Political. That was one of our topics on RNN-TV last night. Take a lookAnother topic: Chris Christie and Mitt Romney. My take is Christie has ZERO chance of being on the ticket. Just click here to see the...
by Dominic Carter | Jun 27, 2012 | News, News Anchor Dominic Carter, Politics
Folks can “hate” on him, but Congressman Charles Rangel did not lose. That was my prediction at 6pm election night.The District may not be mostly Latino, but never discount the power of incumbency, but also in the district, THE VOTERS will stick by Rangel....
by Dominic Carter | Jun 26, 2012 | News, News Anchor Dominic Carter, Politics
The battle for Latino Votes in the Presidential Race. Just click here to see how we took on the topic at RNN-TV. Mitt Romney has boxed himself in a corner.
by Dominic Carter | Jun 26, 2012 | News, News Anchor Dominic Carter, Politics
Our Table Discussion on RNN-TV: Publically Shaming Bad NYC Drivers and that poor lady, the upstate Bus Monitor that was Bullied. Take a look here. Other issues were Student Loans and the Politico Reporter that was Suspended for comments he made about Mitt Romney. Just...