It is time for government, (state,local,and national) to realize Americans are really fed up and are not willing to take it anymore. In fact, It seems Americans are willing to do something very extreme more and more these days, and that is return to taking protests to the street.

Surprise, Surprise. In Washington, the super committee of Democrats and Republicans went down in flames. If you say it’s just Washington Politics, the answer is yes. If you claim it doesn’t have an impact on you, guess again, your dead wrong.

Yet another example of gridlock at the expense of the American Taxpayer. The panel was supposed to reach a deficit-cutting agreement to meet its mandate: find at least $1.2 trillion in budget savings over 10 years. Now automatic cuts (Draconian cuts) are supposed to kick in to social programs and defense spending. Republicans refused to consider ANY Tax Increase at all.

All Washington did was punt the problem to Christmas. The Holidays are here, and there goes any possible shot of the economy rebounding now.

Meanwhile here in NY, besides Occupy Wall Street, Young college students have had it.

Students at Baruch College yesterday clashed with NYPD cops and campus security officers during a protest over proposed tuition hikes — resulting in more than a dozen demonstrators being arrested, authorities said.

Hundreds of students began marching at 3 p.m. from Madison Square Park to the school at Lexington Avenue and East 24th Street.

City University Trustees were holding a public meeting at the time to discuss whether to raise fees as much as $300 in each of the next four years.

More than 95 speakers had signed up to and the room was filled to capacity, a CUNY spokesman said.

“I am totally against the tuition hikes, that’s mainly why everyone is here,” one student told the college paper, The Ticker.

“We’re protesting tuition hikes, we’re protesting the federal grants that Congress is trying to reduce.”

Some of the demonstrators were told to head to an overflow room but instead pushed through barricades and forced their way into the lobby.