New Jersey’s Republican Gov. Chris Christie and Newark’s Democratic Mayor Cory Booker have teamed up in a new web parody video portraying the two men as bitter political rivals desperately trying to one up each other. It’s funny with Booker basically serving as Superman. “I got it, Governor!” Booker says, prompting a hapless Christie to fume, “Booker!”

Throughout the video, Booker is the deliver guy, much to the chagrin of Christie.

When the governor’s SUV blows a tire on the freeway, Booker is already there with jack in hand to fix the problem.

When Jersey’s favorite son, Bruce Springsteen, can’t find his favorite guitar, Booker is on hand with a solution.

In one especially humorous scene, a baby is dropped from the state capitol balcony only to fall into the waiting arms of Booker, who screams for Christie to get out of the way before Tebowing with the child safely in hand.

But it’s Christie who has the last laugh when Mitt Romney comes calling…

The three-minute video, produced by Christie’s office, was screened Tuesday night at the New Jersey Correspondents’ dinner –a roast of the governor and a local take on the more famous Washington gala attended each year by media elite in the nation’s capital, and Inner Circle in NYC.

It’s not the first time that the two men — friends in real life — have worked together despite their obvious political differences. Last year, they teamed up to reform Newark’s public school system along with Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, who donated $100 million to help fund the project.

But what’s a joke now could turn serious if the two were ever to face off at the ballot box — either in 2013 when Christie is up for re-election, or later on down the road in a race for the highest office in the land.

Asked recently if he could see himself running for president, Booker waved off the suggestion, joking, “I’ve learned the best way to make God laugh is to make plans for yourself.”