Labor Under Trump

It was refreshing for Dominic Carter to moderate a recent Labor Panel. (Organized by local radio station AM 970 The Answer, and a coalition of local unions) On the panel were former candidate for NYC Mayor Mark Green, NYC Councilmember Daneek Miller, and Milly Silva,...

“They Look at Prison as a Rite of Passage”

[embedyt][/embedyt]     “Our children look up to us for all the Wrong Reasons.” “They look at prison as a Rite of Passage.” Sing Sing INMATE Dario Pena Mr. Pena talking to me this WEEK from behind bars and on...

84 Years of Service

[embedyt][/embedyt]Dominic Carter was the keynote Sunday in the Bronx NY at Ebenezer Pilgrim Holiness Church for their 84th Anniversary.  The Pastor there is Rev. John Harris.       ...